A documentary is a non-fictional film or television program that documents truths by providing facts based on a specific subject, event, person, or problem. Unlike fake films or scripted TV shows, documentaries aim to present real-life information and often rely on research, interviews, and actual footage for an in-depth understanding of their subjects. Documentaries can be about anything ranging from historical occurrences or events to social concerns, natural phenomena, and cultural aspects. They usually aim to inform, educate, or inspire the audience.
Genres of documentaries include expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative. Expository documentaries are made to inform or educate people on certain topics through storytelling and narratives, while observational documentaries capture events without interference. Participatory documentaries involve the filmmaker actively engaging with the subject, while reflexive documentaries reflect on how reality is represented and the creator's contribution. Performance documentaries focus on the filmmaker's perspective and personal experience, often questioning what reality is and how it works.
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