Deciding on welcoming a munchkin to your house? There is a lot to be taken into account. Here are some of the major tips for pregnancy complications that one should take into consideration before and/or after conception.
1. Educate yourself first
If it is your first baby or not, it is always important to pay all your attention and take the right knowledge and prepare yourself for the delivery. This will make you learn more about childbirth and the building years of your child. In addition to this, it will also help you in raising specific concerns and questions that you might have in your mind regarding your pregnancy and its before, afters. More concerns mean more doctor visits that in turn, means better acquaintance with the doctors, nurses, and the staff. This will help you in building the connections. Talk your heart and mind out to your doctor about any past difficulties and/or problematic histories.
2. Drink it up, mama!
Water is the most important fluid to consume during pregnancy. This is because, during pregnancy, your blood supplies oxygen and all the other essential nutrients to your womb and sloughs off all the waste and carbon dioxide away. This makes your blood volume increase up to up to 50% to handle all of this extra activity. So, you need to drink more and more fluids in order to support that gain. This is why drinking water becomes so much more important and prevents constipation, fatigue, UTIs, headaches, swelling, and all the other uncomfortable issues. You should aim for 8-10 glasses of water every day. If water consumption is not something you enjoy, then you should try squeezing a lemon or add a fruit punch to it.
3. Postpartum Depression is very much real
You might have probably heard of Postpartum Depression, and about 10-20% of women have experienced major symptoms of Postpartum Depression. Increased chances of Postpartum Depression will in turn increase the risk of preterm labor. If you experience extreme feelings of sadness, anger, or guilt, and most of these are unexplainable or occur out of reason, it can be an alerting sign. In addition to this, if you lose interest in activities that you otherwise usually enjoy or end up sleeping too much or spending more time in bed - it’s good to be on the safe side and tell your doctor all about it. Therapy sessions or joining a support group can also help you in getting your way out of Postpartum Depression. You can also consult your psychiatrist and opt for antidepressant medicines. However, many antidepressants for pregnant women are not completely safe, and you should consult your doctor before consuming any of them. If your doctor is familiar with pregnancy-related mental health issues, then it is good news. If not, you should search for and consult a prenatal/postpartum support organization that holds meetings around the neighborhood or your area. This can be extremely helpful and aids in keeping you on track with a happy and calm state of mind.
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