33-25-35, Opp. Corporation Bank, Bellapdu Sobhanadri Road, Near Pushpa Hotel Center Vijayawada,
For Kidney illness or kindy infections visit our nephrologist in Vijayawada at sunrise Hospitals
Nephrology is the region in current medicine that involves the diagnosis and treatment of kidney illnesses. A nephrologist diagnoses and decides the remedy for this of kidney sickness, with the aid of balancing fluids inside the body, regulating blood strain, and electrolytes, and administering dialysis.
Nephrologists deal with one-of-a-kind kidney problems that also are acid-base problems, electrolyte problems, nephrolithiasis which is normally known as kidney stones, hypertension or (high blood pressure), acute kidney sickness, and last-level renal ailment. Other kidney-related illnesses encompass acquired conditions, including autoimmune illnesses (e.G., lupus), systemic vasculitides, and congenital or genetic situations such as polycystic kidney ailment.